V1.3 Launch!

I was going to make V1.2 the last version, but due to issues, I decided to make another update! Enjoy!

Full Changelog

  • Optimized and tweak the code for better performance and to make it less cryptic. (V1.4 and V1.5 will further improve the code)
  • Entering “Say: I hate you” into the computer will no longer kill you UNLESS you are in hard mode or up.
  • Some dialogue has been removed due to the revamped code.
  • Fixed an issue of John A. not having a spawn point (meaning you will not spot him in other maps like ‘Chuck E. Airport’
  • John A’s theme is now significantly quieter.
  • Added ‘Eternal Night’ toggle to custom mode.
  • Fixed the ‘Just AFK’ achievement.
  • Added a new achievement: “Friend-Zoned”
  • You can now get friend-zoned by a computer, getting the “Friend-Zoned” achievement.
  • You can now see how to earn unearned achievements (mostly)
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot see certain achievements.
  • Reworked the Achievement System, removing the need to increment the totalAchievements variable for each new achivement. :)
  • Giving tickets to Amanda after she runs out of items is now possible in extreme mode; you’ll get complimented.
  • Because of above, earning the “Are you in love?” achievement is now possible in extreme mode.
  • Added a new OST.
  • Music will no longer be affected by the ‘wear-off effect’
  • Math is now easier to complete in hard and extreme mode… unless you’re playing on endless.
  • ‘SEB’, a secret character will jumpscare the player in extreme mode at night, instead of the old requirement where you’ll have to play the game in October.
  • Boss behaves the same in extreme as most of the other difficulties.
  • Added a new ‘Extreme Twist’ system for the revamped extreme mode: random twists and conditions will occur, most of the time being against the player.
  • The second electric ball will always be in the hallway to the right of the entrance.
  • Cloudster won’t get affected by the difficulty settings anymore.
  • The door has to be opened 1000 times or more to be able to infect you, instead of the old 100. Getting sick is 10x rarer in V1.3+ (on hard mode), you’re welcome ;)
  • Casual difficulty or easier will no longer include diseases.
  • Extreme mode now includes every character but Terra from the game.
  • Tweaked the UI to make it more user-friendly and stylish.
  • Tweaks to almost all difficulties the game.
  • Playing easy mode now counts as cheating.
  • Fixed a bug where Cranky (Crank E.) goes quicker on easy mode than the others, making “easy” mode hard.
  • Quieter menu music
  • Changed the fonts in the title screen to a handwritten one.
  • Updated the credits
  • The Extreme Mode’s theme in the game’s selection now loops.
  • Changed the color of ‘default mode’
  • Changed description of the hard and extreme difficulty
  • Blockers from ‘default mode’ will not automatically move anymore.
  • Fixed a bug where the custom characters might not appear due to the difficulty settings being different for custom and non-custom gamemodes.
  • Fixed a bug where you can still earn achievements on easy or below or on custom mode
  • The ‘cheat text’ is now hidden until you earn an achievement.
  • Fixed a bug where the player faces the wrong direction after exiting.
  • Extreme mode now cycles a lot more often but takes about a min break every now and then.
  • A cycle will cause the fog to change color rapidly and fog will increase.
  • Trials mode will no longer require multiple exits to win, making the game not impossible.
  • Added a new twist for extreme that makes the player ill for 5-15 secs.
  • Decrease the ticket machine’s requirement from 10 tickets to 5.
  • Made the Pokemon Go Kid’s theme play at a shorter distance
  • Added sound effects to the menu (feature from V1.3-build2 that was delayed)
  • Replaced Bonus Mode with Randomized Mode. Works similar to that but it is a lot more random and on top of that, a condition applied to every level.
  • Cranky and Terra will stay in their idle states in the sandbox difficulty.
  • You will now have 5 minutes instead of 2 to complete trials mode.
  • You won’t get sent to detention for breaking rules on easy or below.
  • In randomized mode, pressing ‘E’ will reveal all of the electric balls and tiara locations.
  • Changed the trials music
  • Fixed Mr. Cheapo’s inability to send players to detention on casual and higher.
  • Tickets that change to mystery items on randomized mode now give out items instead of tickets.
  • You can now answer blank questions on Terra’s YCDP.
  • Vending machines now give out greater items.
  • Changed roof colors of the default map.
  • Dynamites now have the function of taking damage for characters. If they take enough, they will die for the rest of the round!
  • Removed the ability to retrieve items from the old challenge mode shop since it’s now obsolete!
  • Increased the dynamite’s rarity due to their new ability.
  • Decreased the hitboxes of dynamites (all 4 variants)
  • Cranky will now wait ten seconds on provoke in easy mode.
  • Removed Nine Eleven from all modes except Party Mode (easter egg character)
  • Decreased the Blue and Red keys’ rarity
  • Cloudster is now hittable with a sword.
  • Proto now loses one “happy point” every 60 seconds on hard mode or up (180 seconds on casual and infinity on easy and below).
  • Updated the controls page.


Cranky's Schoolhouse [V1.3] 99 MB
Jul 15, 2023

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